Sunday, August 29, 2010

La Collee Verte

So I finally replaced my phone, got a new iphone (yes I know I am a sheep!) but its nice having a map, metro, ipod, dictionary, translator, email and camera with you at all times, without having to conciously check! So since I now have my Ipod back, I went a for a run along 'La Collee Verte' (Green Corridor) which I can just see from my window. This green corridor runs from Massy all the way into Paris at Montparnasse (its about 9km into Paris from here according to the signs). It is really lovely and such a nice place to run with no cars and seperate bike tracks so you don't get run down, I'm so glad that I am so close to it. As soon as I get a bike, I'm definately going to cycle into Paris one day. Here are a few good pics that I took with my phone!

So I should know French by now....

So I have finished my french course, although I have done 8 weeks of intesive french I still feel like I know nothing but at least I know a whole lot more that what I started out with! Starting at zero, I'm now at level A2.1-2 which means "Can understand sentences and frequently used expressions related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment). Can communicate in simple and routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters. Can describe in simple terms aspects of his/her background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need." I feel like I know a little bit more than that, I can understand but can't really express my-self. either way, hardly good enough to work/study in French in 4 months so I'm going to have to put in some serious effort to improve before Christmas...

The last week of classes was quite a breeze, after our exam we had a wine tasting class... and this course will hopefully count towards my masters, how awesome is that. Here's a photo of us 'studying' hard at the back of class

Then on Thursday, I had an orientation session at EPF (where I will be studying) and received the bad news that I have class 9-5 everyday until the 17th December and classes are compulsory otherwise you don't get your credit points. More on this later.
On Friday we had farewell cockatails with the whole group of students and received our certificates (I missed 3 classes in 8 weeks so I only got 7.5 credits out of the possible 10), bit cranky but you live and learn! I got a good comment at the bottom which was nice and I was pretty sad to say goodbye to my teacher and classmates but on the upside I now have more friends to visit all over the world...

My new digs!

Agrandir le plan
So I've moved to the CROUS residence at Chatenay-Malabry. After doing two trips with my luggage, (yes it seems I have already accumulated an extra suitcase worth of stuff) and considering 1 trip means I need to catch a train and a bus both ways, I was extremely sick of public transport by Saturday night! Here are a few pictures after I spent my food money at IKEA!
Firstly the so-called kitchen...
My tiny little bed.
The nice view from my window.
My peace lily, it was only 2.50Euro so I had to get it.
Imagine me sitting at my desk...
My room has a pretty funky smell at the moment, but I'm keeping the window open as much as I can and its slowly disipating. The showers are alright, they at least are mounted on the wall, unlike the last ones! And big news, the toilets don't have footprints on them ( a logn story I will tell when I get back!) although they don't have toilet paper either (not even holders!). The supermarket is a little bit too far away for a comfortable walk with groceries but there is a bus. The grounds are really nice and it feels so good to be able to fully unpack, knowing that the next time I pack I will be coming home :)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Sunny Saturday!

Firstly, thankyou everyone for your comments from my last blog. I am feeling a lot happier today but it was really good to vent! Last weekend wasn't all bad, I may have skipped out a few of the good parts in my last blog! It was a gorgeous sunny weekend, probably one of the last we'll have in summer, considering Autumn starts in a few days!

I got an urgent phonecall on Friday night to say a family friend had missed their flight to Barcelena and were coming to Paris the next day, could her and a friend stay with me for 2 nights! They are doing Europe on a shoestring so I was more than happy to find them a mattress to put on my floors - the poor girls shared 1 mattress with no pillows. I am the worst host ever! I had arranged to meet them at the Jardin du Luxembourg at 1pm on Saturday.

As you know, I had decided to go look at where I would be staying for the next 10 months and you have all heard how that went...but the residence is really close to the Parc de Sceaux (which I have previously told you about), so we walked through there on our way. It is really really pretty and I am looking forward to riding my bike through it everyday to get to uni.

Because I will be living so far away from Paris and hadn't realised it, I was late to meet my friends but told them to go and get lunch and meet me later. Unfortunately we missed each other again somehow....but the Jardin du Luxembourg is the prettiest park and it easy to while away a few hours in the sun.

It is one of the few parks in Paris where you can sit on the grass (nice grass, without cigarette buts!) and Parisians love sunbaking here as you can see!

After giving up and hoping the girls would eventually check their email where I had sent them instructions as to how to get to my place I went home, they found me a few hours later but absolutely buggered poor things!

One of the american guys was returning home on Monday so we decided we needed to go out into Paris but because we were having an I hate France week, we went to Hard Rock Cafe! We proceeded to drown our sorrows with extremely expensive (but extremely tasty) cocktails - 14.95Euro, but we got to keep the glass which would have cost 12.95Euro in the gift shop (so really only paid 2Euro...bargain!).Had the best steak - so worth it! Unfortunately we managed to get on the wrong train on the way back(we just hopped on the complete wrong metro...). On Friday we managed to catch a train that didn't stop at our station so this is definately becoming a ritual! Here are a few more photos from the night.

Taking the longest sip in history while Kris took a photo!

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Warning – I am in the worst mood ever and this is going to be a very negative post, only read if you are game! Consider this your language warning as well.

So on Saturday, I went to check out where I would be moving to next week, I chose it because although it was further away from transport the description said there was a shared kitchen between 4 people and a shared shower/toilet (and it looked nice on google maps!). I was looking forward to having a little kitchen and getting to know four French roomie’s really well since there would be a common area. I wasn’t even expecting much since I will only be paying 200Euro/month. BUT, I went there and it is miles and miles away from the nearest train station and the ‘shared’ kitchen is between about 40 people and consists of 4 hot plates and a sink.... just brilliant, I could have bought a bloody hotplate and lived near a train-station! Grrr!

Then Sunday came, in general I hate Sundays, it is always really quiet and I get homesick really easily on a Sunday. Hence, I had previously instigated Tourist Sundays but had too much uni work and studying to do. Sunday is always the day you spend with your partner or friends and just chill out, it really sux being so far away from the boy. I made the silly decision to watch a movie, I watched Dear John, like the saddest army boyfriend/girlfriend movie ever, so made myself even more miserable, although I enjoyed wallowing somewhat.

The novelty of being in France has well and truly worn off. I am also getting a cold/cough, which I am sure will start the onslaught of sicknesses that you get when you move to a foreign country. Then the internet (my only lifeline) stopped working because it’s too hot. The French don’t believe in air-conditioning (even for servers) so whenever it gets hot everything stops working – brilliant isn’t it! As much as I love the sunny weather, the metro reeks when it’s hot–the French obviously haven’t discovered deodorant!

But, this evening I was walking along the Seine on the way to eat goat’s cheese under the shade of the Eiffel tower and was thinking you need to get a grip and stop being so negative, you are so lucky to be here! Ok, I was actually thinking about how slow tourists walk, they are infuriatingly slow when you need to get somewhere. And I was really pissed off because I bought a picnic blanket especially for these occasions because the grass is generally littered with cigarette butts (they don’t tell you that in the brochures do they!), but on Friday night, it was one of the Russian’s last night in Paris so we had a picnic at Cite U, I was sitting on the edge of my blanket, this girl just sat right in front of me on my picnic blanket cutting me off from the circle, no biggy really I just moved. But at the end of the night I went to get my picnic blanket and they had spilt heaps of stuff all over it, one of which was caviar so my picnic blanket smells like rotten fish at the moment! Now, I hear you say, ‘why don’t you just wash it Nikki?’.Well, I don’t have any more credit on my laundry key and the minimum amount I can put on it is 20Euro and there is no way I will be doing 20euro worth of laundry in the next week (before I move) and you can’t get a refund – ridiculous French system again!

Then, I am sitting having a lovely picnic with my friends which was rudely interrupted by a various assortment of beggars, nothing out of the usual. Until I notice that my phone is missing, it was right there, next to my sandwich, the last beggar had come and was really forceful putting his hands over everything and usually you just say no and avoid eye-contact – bad idea, you need to watch these French bastards like a hawk, he was holding a piece of paper and must have picked my phone up while he was asking for food – the little French fuckwit. I have never been so mad in my life. I quickly got up to try and find him because I remembered what he was wearing (it struck me only after that he was a very well dressed beggar!). Didn’t see him but went straight to the police station to report it and they put out the word to the other policemen, my French was actually alright, thankgod for all those describe that person games in class – t-shirt vert, chevaux noir et court. Of course it didn’t help!

Because it is only a small station they sent me to the large station in Paris, of course I got lost on the way there because I didn’t have a map and didn’t have an iPhone. So I eventually got there and they told me to make a report I needed the IMEI code for my phone, like I keep that handy! I tried to phone my phone company (from the police station) to cancel the sim but I didn’t know my security code, plus it was all in really quick French so god only knows if I did it right! Then, I am miles away from anywhere familiar so I just found the closest metro ( I actually felt safer in the metro...weird) and then had to take 3 trains to get home, none of which connected within 5 minutes of each other, so took like an hour to get home! And then I had to have a shower in this frigging hole that they call a shower and there was so much hair in the drain and it was cold for the first 10 minutes and I just want to scream!

So, now I’m typing this on word because the internet is still not working! Which is probably the only good thing right now, because if it was I would be looking up flights home, I have had enough of this place! I know I will feel better in the morning but I just want to be somewhere familiar and with people I know and where I feel safe and where stupid French people don’t steal people’s phones!

French tip of the day- Merde is the equivalent to Fuck!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Big Brother is watching you..

As much as I love telling you all what I am up to, it feels a bit lonely putting it all out there and not getting much feedback - Mother you don't count! I didn't think there were that many people interested but I am doing this for my personal records mainly.

So I installed this code about a week ago to see how many people were actually reading my blog and it is so nice to know that there are people all over the world reading - although I think I preferred not knowing because now I am self conscious, I am even writing this in word to make sure I don't have as many spelling mistakes! 96 visits from 9 countiries.. not bad for 1 week!
Although 76 of those visits were for less than 10seconds...
It tells which cities the hits are coming from although I don't think it knows where Narrabri is... yes Daddy I could see you spying on me from the Gold Coast!

I can even tell which application you are using.
So be careful, I am watching your every move (on my blog anyway!)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My Ryanair experience!

So I have let myself cool off a lot before writing this because I was so so mad at myself! I arrived at the Dublin airport nice and early, bought a magazine and a coffee and was at my gate like 45 minutes early. As Ryanair don't allocate seats there was a line-up already but I wasn't too worried because it was not like I needed to sit next to anyone so I was one of the last few in the line.

When got to the guy at the front, he told me that I needed to get my ticket stamped at the check-in desk! I remembered only then that my mum & dad had the same problem when they travelled from Ireland about a year ago and it does actually say it on my ticket. In hindsight, I should have just argued with him because he knew there was no way I was going to make it back and I had a long term visa for France.

But anyway I sprinted back to the check-in area, had to sweet talk a guard to let me out by the security gates otherwise I would of had to go through customs. I pushed in front of everyone at the Ryanair counter, much to their disgust and then had to go back through security. I had no probelms the first time I went through. However, this time they decided to go through my whole bag because I had bought a bottle opener at the Guinness factory. So then, after they were satisfied I sprinted back to the gate but because I was in such a rush I didn't do up my backpack properly so half way to the gate everything fell out of my bag - if you think running through the airport is embrarassing, this was worse. Some lovely old ladies helped me and then I was off again running to the gate but carrying all my stuff in my hands!

I was so hopeful when I arriverd, there was a guy there who was like "are you Nicola" and for a moment I thought I hadn't missed it... ofcourse I had. I was so tired that I just sat on the floor with everything around me, laughing and crying while everyone walked past me wondering what was wrong with this crazy Australian! The worst part of this is the 'stamp' that I needed was pathetic and unintelligible and the girl at the desk didn't even check my passport. I don't believe I couldn't get my plane because of this!

A very good lesson to learn though, I'm not going on any flights without going to the check-in desk in future.

Monday, August 16, 2010

What's the Craic?

Before I knew it the week was over and I was off to Dublin for the weekend to see an old friend from Zimbabwe days, who I haven't seen in 10 years! I feel really old right now! I had a really easy trip over there, managed to get an express train to the airport and hopped on the AerLingus flight, hopped off in Dublin and onto the correct bus to get to B's house..simple! Although when I looked in my passport, I noticed that the French really are a long way behind... look at the date of the stamp they put in my passport... Yes, 13/08/09, hopefully that doesn't come back to bite me later on, but how incompetent for a 1st world country!

So got to B's parents place and immediately packed for a party near Kilkenny (about 1hr 30mins away). I was expecting a student dive and we turned up at the house and it had a huge iron gates and a massive driveway lined with trees, the house had chandeliers... crazy! So I crashed the party, but as a foreigner it was pretty easy to get away with :) Here are a few photos of the Irish countryside - it was a gorgeous weekend with lots of sun.
The driveway
The house

Cute horses
After drinking copious amounts, we got taxi's into Kilkenny and got up to mischief there until they closed, then came back to party on and only got to bed at 6.30am...brilliant night. Love Irish girls!(and Zimbabwean-Irish girls!)
We even did some sight-seeing on the way to another pub...

After a bit of a sleep in and a proper Irish breakfast, with pudding I may add! We all went into Kilkenny so that I could do some sightseeing. Went to see the Kilkenny Castle.

Then I was forced (by the Irish girls) to have the best Icecream - called a 99. So fluffy and creamy and sugary. We sat in the park by the castle and ate them.
After a lunch/diner or Roast Lamb with Guiness gravy and enough potato to sink a ship we went home for an early night. I didn't manage to have a Kilkenny in Kilkenny but I got a photo in front of the sign!
The next day was a gorgeous day, one of the best days of Summer apparently... and we were off to te Guiness Factory- yay! Here are a few happys snaps and the obligatory one at the top of the skybar with our free Guiness!

After taking advantage of the lovely day walking through Dublin and Temple Bar, we had lunch in a pub. The whole time I was there it was so nice to just be able to talk and understand without thinking. You don't realise how much you are constantly thinking in France until you don't have to anymore. Here are a few pictures from the afternoon.

Overall, I had a brilliant weekend. I love catching up with old friends and even though I am terrible at keeping in touch, it is so great to have friends who I haven't really been in contact with that I can just call up and say 'hey I'm coming to visit' and be welcomed with open arms. I'm very lucky, thanks B!