Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Sunny Saturday!

Firstly, thankyou everyone for your comments from my last blog. I am feeling a lot happier today but it was really good to vent! Last weekend wasn't all bad, I may have skipped out a few of the good parts in my last blog! It was a gorgeous sunny weekend, probably one of the last we'll have in summer, considering Autumn starts in a few days!

I got an urgent phonecall on Friday night to say a family friend had missed their flight to Barcelena and were coming to Paris the next day, could her and a friend stay with me for 2 nights! They are doing Europe on a shoestring so I was more than happy to find them a mattress to put on my floors - the poor girls shared 1 mattress with no pillows. I am the worst host ever! I had arranged to meet them at the Jardin du Luxembourg at 1pm on Saturday.

As you know, I had decided to go look at where I would be staying for the next 10 months and you have all heard how that went...but the residence is really close to the Parc de Sceaux (which I have previously told you about), so we walked through there on our way. It is really really pretty and I am looking forward to riding my bike through it everyday to get to uni.

Because I will be living so far away from Paris and hadn't realised it, I was late to meet my friends but told them to go and get lunch and meet me later. Unfortunately we missed each other again somehow....but the Jardin du Luxembourg is the prettiest park and it easy to while away a few hours in the sun.

It is one of the few parks in Paris where you can sit on the grass (nice grass, without cigarette buts!) and Parisians love sunbaking here as you can see!

After giving up and hoping the girls would eventually check their email where I had sent them instructions as to how to get to my place I went home, they found me a few hours later but absolutely buggered poor things!

One of the american guys was returning home on Monday so we decided we needed to go out into Paris but because we were having an I hate France week, we went to Hard Rock Cafe! We proceeded to drown our sorrows with extremely expensive (but extremely tasty) cocktails - 14.95Euro, but we got to keep the glass which would have cost 12.95Euro in the gift shop (so really only paid 2Euro...bargain!).Had the best steak - so worth it! Unfortunately we managed to get on the wrong train on the way back(we just hopped on the complete wrong metro...). On Friday we managed to catch a train that didn't stop at our station so this is definately becoming a ritual! Here are a few more photos from the night.

Taking the longest sip in history while Kris took a photo!


  1. So glad you're feeling better. That photo of them all "sun-baking" on the grass looks funny. It's like them going to the wild or something!

  2. I love the pics!! cant wait till i come and visit next year. Shame you have had some challening experiences, but thats all part and parcel of living in a forgein country..oh and with out them you would have nothing to blog about.
