Sunday, August 29, 2010

La Collee Verte

So I finally replaced my phone, got a new iphone (yes I know I am a sheep!) but its nice having a map, metro, ipod, dictionary, translator, email and camera with you at all times, without having to conciously check! So since I now have my Ipod back, I went a for a run along 'La Collee Verte' (Green Corridor) which I can just see from my window. This green corridor runs from Massy all the way into Paris at Montparnasse (its about 9km into Paris from here according to the signs). It is really lovely and such a nice place to run with no cars and seperate bike tracks so you don't get run down, I'm so glad that I am so close to it. As soon as I get a bike, I'm definately going to cycle into Paris one day. Here are a few good pics that I took with my phone!

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