Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Aussie Aussie Aussie!

Australia Day is probably my favourite holiday in the year (me being a true blue aussie and all!) and I was a bit miffed that France didn't celebrate it! But lucky enough I had a work from home day (code word for day off!) anyway. I think I would have preferred to be at work - watching everyone (via facebook) having BBQ's pool parties and playing cricket made me really want to come home! But Rach and I had grand plans to celebrate in style - strating with a bottle of Australian wine with dinner before heading off to our favourite night spot - Cafe Oz! I had us both draped with the aussie flag - although in this photo we look like we are from the UK (damn Union Jack!).
After consuming numerous Extra Dry which were cheaper than you cna get them in Aus we were well and truly blind and then the bar staff were giving us drinks since we were about the only people who were dressed up in the whole place! The rets of the ngiht is a bit fuzzy - not entirely sure who we got these roses off....
I think we did australia proud with the amount we drank, dancing on the tables and making a fool of ourselves.
The trip home was also quite eventful, Rachel didnt have a ticket and ofcourse while we were on the bus the ticket police hoppe don at which point we tried to hop off with a convincing story that we actually lived at this stop - I'm sure they have heard this story before and were having none of it! SO poor Rach got a fine, then we hopeped off at the next stop (which wasn't our stop) realised and hopped back on before the bus left again. Both of us woke up when we head Porte de Vincennes (Rach lives at Chateau de Vincennes) and jumped off the bus as the doors were closing. We didn't realise that we had done it again before the bus moved on. So we ended up walking home...not fun when you are cold and drunk. The worst part of this story is that the bus we take - the last stop is Chateau de Vincennes - so all we have to do is ride the bus to the end - when they tell everyone to leave - we're home! (and we've caught this bus before - we are silly!)

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