Sunday, September 12, 2010

Living in the suburbs

So there are good an bad things about living all the way out here. Number one is how long it takes to get home from Paris, especially if you miss the last RER (which is at 12.30pm) and need to catch the Noctelien (night bus). When I lived at Cachan this was relatively easy as the correct bus left from the 'party' area and we had a choice of 2 that could take us within walking distance, which means we were normally home within the hour. Now that I live in Chatenay-Malabry, there is only one bus that takes us near here and it leaves from Montparnasse, which although does have some clubs is not where we generally go out. This means we need to catch the Metro (if it is still before 2am) to Montparnasse and then the bus. Last Friday we went into Paris for a friend's birthday - her sister lives in Paris in a gorgeous apartment in the 12th. But being rookie's we stayed until just past 12.30pm so we missed our last train and therefore needed to take the night bus, got to Montparnasse and had to wait 25mins for the next bus which then took about another 30 mins to get home. We left at about 12.30 and were tucked up in bed 2hrs later...definitely worth just staying out until 5.30am when the trains start running again :) Here is pic of the gorgeous cake we bought her, it was like cheesecake inside with fresh berries.. pretty and delicious!

The last time we went out in Paris (a few weeks ago)we took the Noctelien home, but it was stopped by the RATP Police (basically ticket checkers), we were absolutely crammed into the bus, after they were done, we each had our own seat :) They make you pay the fine right then and there, they have one of those portable eftpos machines. I'm not sure how much the fines were, but I am sure they made a pretty penny that night :) I have a few photos from that night. We had a picnic on the Pont des Arts, if you don't get there early enough you tend to get a spot right next to the 'poubelle' (rubbish bin) but they get emptied very often (at least whenever we go there!)
Pont des Arts has the most locks on the bridge, mainly due the heart that is created by the lights reflecting off the river through the next bridge. I've tried to capture it here but failed, you can almost see it in the middle (the arches of the heart are made by the arches of the next bridge. One of those things you have to be there to see I think!Click on the photo to make it bigger and you might be able to see it!

The good thing is that my classmates are stuck out here too, which makes it so nice to have a meal together and walk to and from school with company. We're trying to have regular 'Chatenay family' dinners at the local Chinese restaurant which is just around the corner. We have crepe & icecream nights on Wednesdays as one of the boys has a crepe maker- yummy! We speak a weird combination of french/english/italian and german! It makes for interesting conversation...Here's a pic of us in Frida's room enjoying dinner together.

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