On xmas eve the whole family trundled off to Bath for a very early dinner because we all wanted to drink and the last bus back was at 7pm or something. The sunset on the way there (at about 4pm I might add) was gorgeous over the snowy fields. Had diner in a tapas restaurant – was delicious. Another reason to love Bath!
Came home and got roped into helping Uncle Julian make pastry for his game pie. The two uncles were having a competition to see who could make the best… was up until 2am on Xmas day making it – of which one slice was eaten!
Since I was up anyway I decided to go to midnight Eucharist at Wells Cathedral. It was beautiful but sad being there by myself and seeing everyone with their families- what did I expect really. Was funny the prayer they did included Zimbabwe and those away in the armed forces – freaky!
Woke up nice and late on Xmas day and headed over to Aunty Fi & Nick’s to open stocking presents and eat mince pies! I am saying I had a white Xmas, it didn’t actually snow but there was still some on the ground. Xmas dinner was a feast – beef, ham and turkey! And lots of extras on the side.
After dinner, we mnaged to have a skype chat with the Aussie Meads who were on Boxing Day already and about to sit downa nd watch the cricket - looked so nice and warm, was very jealous.
We played charades altogether which was pretty funny, we are quite the dim family not being able to make the connection between kneeland and Disneyland, was a good laugh though!
Ofcourse Xmas isn't christmas without someone falling asleep on the couch, this is the start of balance things on Uncle Ju's head game!
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